Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

This is a special technique, through which a troublesome past could be erased. A therapist uses this technique to treat various psychological conditions like Depression, Mood swings, dual personalities etc lack of confidence could also be treated with this technique by creating a positive anchor in the subconscious mind. Treatment with the NLP techniques yields good results and by and large it's permanent. NLP with the Hypnotherapy combination is icing on the cake. In our clinic, on the necessary clients we use NLP as well as NLP plus Hypnotherapy to treat various psychological conditions and it yields very encouraging results.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. NLP's creators claim there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming), and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming and how does it work?
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes. NLP is a set of models that allow someone to create cognitive behavioral change and build more resourceful states to achieve their goals. NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP models teach you how to see problems from new perspectives to find better solutions. NLP holds a vast library of tools and techniques that one can access to solve any problem they may face. This flexibility is what makes NLP the most suitable training for coaches in any niche or everyday people trying to move forward in their lives. In my clinic, I predominantly use the 3rd technique, to erase the troublesome past. The patients come with troublesome past, bad memories, past guilt etc & that troubles them lot, a major reason, why they slipped in to any of the psychological disorder I used the 3rd technique of Editing the mental image of that person, erase the memory & pull the person out from a particular ailment.

What if NLP therapy used for ?
It has been used to assess and treat a variety of clinical symptoms, including depression, anxiety and stress.

Do I use NLP on How myself?
Ask yourself positive questions. Self-questioning is a fundamental practice of NLP. Ask questions about the things you would like to change in your life. Your mind tries to answer any questions you pose, so make sure to phrase your questions in a way that will lead to useful, positive answers. TRYING OUT NLP ON YOURSELF
1 . Set positive goals.
When you start planning out what you want in life, focus on what you want, rather than on what you don't want. Don't make negative goals about things you want to lose or avoid. Instead, think of what you'd like to achieve, attain, and develop. Phrase your goals so that they best express your complete desire. For instance, if you want to have a partner, instead of making your goal "Meet someone special," make it "Live my life with someone I truly love." A goal that sounds satisfying to you will motivate you more than a goal that only expresses a step in the plan.
2. Ask yourself positive questions.
Self-questioning is a fundamental practice of NLP. Ask questions about the things you would like to change in your life. Your mind tries to answer any questions you pose, so make sure to phrase your questions in a way that will lead to useful, positive answers. For instance, instead of asking "What's wrong with me?" you might ask. What can I do to feel better? In what ways would I like to change my life? How will my life improve if I make these changes?
3. Edit your mental images.
Practitioners of NLP believe that thinking of an image of people, events, or other things can help you understand how you feel about them. To do this, picture someone or something that irritates you. Next, make changes to the image in your mind as if you were editing it on a computer. Picture people or things that make you feel bad turning darker and moving further away. Picture people or things that make you feel good turning brighter and coming closer to you. Notice how all these changes make you feel.
4. Mess with negative voices in your head.
The way you speak to yourself in your head has a lot to do with your happiness and mental health. Most psychologists will tell you to notice how you are talking to yourself and change your tone to a loving and encouraging one. NLP has a different approach: it suggests that you mess with the sound of the negative voice so that it has less power. If you hear yourself thinking something like, "You'll never get this done," repeat the message but with a distorted sound. Make it sound like a goofy cartoon character, like Donald Duck or Spongebob. Notice how different versions of the voice make you feel.
5. Play out scenarios backward.
When you have a bad experience that is haunting you, treat it like a movie. Play it backwards, starting from after it occurred to right before it occurred. Do this several times until you have memorized the backwards sequence. Now add a different ending, one that you like better. Notice how you feel about the experience.
6. Visualize colors and connect them with feelings you would like to experience. For example, if you want to feel confident, imagine a color that looks confident to you, such as a bright orange. Imagine a bright square of that color before you. In your mind, step into the square and focus on feeling that emotion. Imagine exactly how it would look and feel to be in the square. When you next want to experience this feeling, visualize the square in front of you. Step into it, and notice how you feel.
7. Practice on a regular basis.
If you find NLP techniques helpful, make a regular practice of them. Try practicing once a day until you get in the habit of using your techniques whenever you need them. Consider keeping a diary where you track your NLP practice and results. Talk to a mental health counselor about what you are doing with NLP.