Group Counseling

5 Comments 11 March.2021

Group Counseling

The concept of group counseling is relatively new. This method has proved useful for such candidates who have not benefited from personal counseling. Everyone is social. Sometimes, by staying in society, a person adapts and diagnoses his problems. CG Kemp (1970) has written that one needs to make meaningful connections in all areas of his life. Based on these relationships, they can understand their life closely and can reach a goal. In this context, interest in the collective perspective is increasing.

Basis of Group Counseling - There are some fundamental grounds of group counseling which are discussed below.

A person should know his capital and lack. A person either has little knowledge of his abilities or is ignorant. Sometimes he exaggerates his abilities. There is a lack of reality in his self-assessment. Group counseling enables the candidate to be able to identify his true potential and overcome his shortcomings in the background of other individuals by staying in the group.

Group counseling enables a person to achieve success according to the possibilities embodied in his personality. By staying in the group, he can recognize his direct possibilities very well.

Individual variation is a psychological fact. One person differs from another person in work, personality, intelligence, etc. Group counseling does not ignore this psychological fact. It is up to the skilled counselor to provide group counseling, keeping in mind individual differences.

The fourth principle of group counseling is to consider the candidate as part of society. Everyone could develop themselves only by living in a group or society. It is the experience of collective life that leads him on the path of development. Being separated from society, a person becomes frustrated.

The development of a common candidate is the fifth principle of collective counseling. Only by staying in the group, the all-around development of the person is possible and he can make the right perception about himself.

Benefits of group counseling Group-counseling presents a safe and sensible environment. Everyone participates in this environment and everyone is also approved. In this, such an opportunity is available which is clean, free, and free and in which solutions to problems can be found and open evaluation can be done.

The counselor has the opportunity to use group-related knowledge. There can be an open debate on many human weaknesses such as drug abuse, sex education, etc.

Group Counseling Requirements Personal Interview - After the conclusion of the consultation, the counselor conducts a personal interview of each candidate so that he/she can become aware of the personal problems of the candidate. The information which the counselor does not get from the group counseling is completed by personal interview. This process makes it easier for the candidate to help the candidate.

Proper arrangement of counseling room - The room in which the group counseling is given should be made pleasant first. The atmosphere of the room should be such that candidates feel familiar. Seating chairs should be comfortable and comfortable.

Uniformity in the group - As far as possible, there should be uniformity of age, sex, and possible problem in the advisory group to facilitate the counseling. Some counselors believe that it is more beneficial to consult an unequal group.

Size of the group - Consultation becomes meaningless when the size of the group is large, so the size of the group should be as much as possible from six to eight. In this, the exchange of ideas becomes good.

Group counseling process Group counseling requires knowledge of the goal of the counselor and cooperation of other group members is required to reach the goal. The following procedure is followed for this. Gaining knowledge of the goal of each member - the group-counselor is successful only when he is fully aware of the objectives of the servant. The decision of the organization - In its consultation plan, if the consultant advises taking decisions taken by the organization, then collective consultation is more effective. Formation of a group - Each member of the group can be benefited more by keeping in mind the goal of the person and the nature of the person. Counsel should clarify the role of himself and other members at the time of starting the consultation. If all the members of the group cooperate in the consultation, the work of the consultant may be more accessible. Building relationships - In the process of mass-counseling, as the work of counseling progresses, there is a possibility that the servant may deviate from his goal. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the counselor to demonstrate his / her fairness, instill confidence in the candidate, and keep him in constant remembrance of his goals.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the evaluation counseling is the last step. The counselor should keep evaluating his / her effectiveness so that he/she knows what the result of his / her consultation has been.