Case Study

A case of an Dementia patient.

Hi friends,
This is Mr Samir Gupte & I am once again with one more case discussion here. Today I am going to discuss a case of an Dementia patient. The patient is of sixty six years old and apart from Dementia having problems of Thyroid gland, a diabetes, and an hypertension. Due to Dementia a mobility got affected as well and the memory power.

The person is from US and came here for a month. Lots of sad incidences had happened in his life like loosing an only daughter due to the cancer, loosing out in the business and all. The wife approached me and I started working on him. It was a door step treatment as the patient can't come to the clinic. After counseling I told them it will take more than twenty sittings with the patient and started working on him. My efforts were to stop further degradation of the cells of the brain. Told them very clearly, what's ever lost can not be recovered but further damage will be prevented.

In dementia initially the memory power gets affected then the mobility and as the disease progress gradually the other organs. In Dementia the brain cells die. I started working on him, after the seventh session the thyroid report shown the positive results followed by the hypertension readings. The person could able to sleep properly and started interacting with the other family members, which he could not because of the obvious reason. After the tenth session, I gave my customised audio clip and continued the treatment further. In the audio clip, I take the person to the trance and give positive suggestions to the Subconscious mind of the person and finally give the sleep instructions, the patient been advised to listen the clip at the time of going to the bed at night time and the clip is of thirty minutes. The person sleeps with the positive thoughts through out the night and in the morning gets up with the same. Three months down the line the person gets programmed accordingly. Here the patient had to move to abroad, I completed my sessions and asked relatives to be in touch with me on a regular interval. The person is making progress on every aspects and the doctors are happy. The patient's wife is in touch with me & briefs me on the developments of her husband.

Hypnotherapy Services