Case Study

Case of The person developed phobia.

Hi friends,
This is Mr Samir Gupte the Hypnotherapist and once again I am with new case study.

Today I reveal the story of a Forty two years old diploma engineer, who works in construction industry. The person developed phobia. When ever he comes accross any body getting sick and hospitalised, he used to assumed that he has that illness. Due to this, he had under gone a lot of diagnostic tests and was hospitalised two three times but nothing was found. When he approached me he brought a thick file which had all his medical history. Needless to say all the tests were normal.

I had a counselling session with him and based on that the line of action was decided.I had six Hypnotherapy sessions with him where I gave the positive suggestions to him to increased his inner strength and confidence level. I removed the fear of feeling sick from him, and this work is done at the Subconscious level. I gave my customized audio clip and asked him to listen to same, for the ninety days before going to bed.

I always give my customised audio clip to my patients which is of thirty minutes, wherein I take them to the Trance, which activates their subconscious mind, give the necessary positive suggestions and finally the sleep instructions. The person sleeps with the positive thoughts and morning gets up with the same. Down the line three months the person programmed accordingly.

Here this person had over came his phobia and now living normal life. His father been hospitalised few days back for some reason but this person handled that situation very well and acted as the real back bone of the family. The person is in constant touch with me and enjoying his normal life.

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