Case Study

The story of the corporate working person.

Good morning everyone, today I am going to tell you the story of the corporate working person. This man we call him Anil ( name changed) is working with one of the leading engineering companies nearer to the city of Aurangabad. The person is well educated and working at the middle level production management capacity.

Mr Anil had very high aspirations and came to me saying as such no problems but has an ambition of reaching to the top in his organisation. I had a very high discussion with him and made him clear to plan for his Goals in the life. I told him it's utmost importance to have professional goals as well as the personal goals.

For the personal goals, I need to speak to your wife also for the obvious reasons. Anil came with his wife Mrs Veena, we three sat together, though Veena is a house wife, but she also had a personal goals to follow and but for the obvious reasons. We sat and planned Anil's professional goals deciding down the line one year five years ten years and twenty years. The same way the couple's personal goals been planned for the same time frame. I had six personal sittings with both Anil as well as Veena (separately with each of them) where I took them to the trance and feed their goals to their Subconscious mind.

I give a customized audio clip also, where I take my client to the trance, give positive suggestions to the Subconscious mind and finally give the sleep instructions. One has to listen the clip for minimum three months at the time of going to the bed. The person sleeps with these positive thoughts and morning gets up with the same.

Down the line he gets programmed accordingly. Anil and Veena followed this and Veena is in regular touch with me, says the relationship between them have improved a lot and because Anil is enjoying very happy personal life, he is making good progress in his professional life also. Friends for the happy life both professional goals as well as personal life equally important.

Our Subconscious mind has an immense power and through the Hypnotherapy we can capitalise on the same and it gives you what you want. Any one wants to enjoy their life kindly call me, I will teach you how to make use of the power of the Subconscious mind in our life and make it happy.

Hypnotherapy Services